PRE: Movement Standards (Day 8)
WOD: "Mind Games" For time: 50 Rounds
-1 Burpee
-2 Push-Ups
-3 Air Squats
-4 Alternating Lunges
-5 Sit-Ups
POST: 5 Rounds with heavy DBs/KBs: 1 Lap Farmer Carry, 5 Power Cleans, 4 Front Squats, 3 Shoulder to Overhead
PRE: Movement Standards (Day 8)
WOD: "Mind Games" For time: 50 Rounds
-1 Burpee
-2 Push-Ups
-3 Air Squats
-4 Alternating Lunges
-5 Sit-Ups
POST: 5 Rounds with heavy DBs/KBs: 1 Lap Farmer Carry, 5 Power Cleans, 4 Front Squats, 3 Shoulder to Overhead
PRE: Movement Standards (Day 7)
WOD: "Cameron" For time:
-50 Walking Lunges
-25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
-50 Step-ups (24/20)
-25 Triple-Unders
-50 Back Extensions
-25 Ring Dips
-50 V-up
-25 Wall Ball "2-for-1's" (20/14)
-50 Sit-Ups
-5 Rope Climbs
POST: 2 Rounds: 16 SB Over the Shoulders, 20 Bar Hip Thrust
PRE: Movement Standards (Day 6)
WOD: "Zeus" AMRAP 25:
-30 Power Cleans (115/75)
-12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
-20 Squat Cleans
-12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
-10 Clusters
-12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
POST: 4 Sets: 14 Barbell OH Walking Lunges, 14 V-ups, 250m Ski