PRE: Movement Standards
WOD: Partner Day! "Boobs" AMRAP 32:
-2 Back Squats (225/155)
-6 Burpee Box Overs (30/24)
-13 Handstand Push-Ups (Box/Pike)
-18 DU (x2 Singles)
*Athletes alt. reps and rest as needed.
POST: Mobility
PRE: Movement Standards
WOD: Partner Day! "Boobs" AMRAP 32:
-2 Back Squats (225/155)
-6 Burpee Box Overs (30/24)
-13 Handstand Push-Ups (Box/Pike)
-18 DU (x2 Singles)
*Athletes alt. reps and rest as needed.
POST: Mobility
PRE: 10 min EMOTM: Odd: 5 Deadlifts (285/195), Even: *Athletes choose a core movement, complete 15 reps
WOD: For time:
-5 OHS (115/75)
-12 Shuttle Runs (25ft out, 25ft back)
-10 OHS
-12 Shuttle Runs
-15 OHS
-12 Shuttle Runs
-20 OHS
-12 Shuttle Runs
-25 OHS
-12 Shuttle Runs
POST: 4:00 Cool Down Bike/Row/Ski
PRE: 3 Sets: 2 Rope Climbs (10 Strict Pull-ups), 50′ Dual KB Farmer Carry Walking Lunges (53/35)
WOD: 3 Rounds, AMRAP 5:
-15 Decline Push-ups
-21 Power Cleans (R1:155/105, R2:135/95, R3:115/85)
-27/21 Cal Bike
*1:30 rest between rounds.
POST: 4 x :15 L-Sits (Hang/Ring Support)