Wednesday, February 19, 2025

PRE: Movement Standards

WOD: Partner Day! On a 30 minute clock, For time:

-150 Wall balls (20/14)

-70/60 Cal Bike (Row)

AMRAP in time remaining: 12-18-24-30...

-SDHP (125/80)

-HSPU (Box/Pike)

-DB Bench Press (50/35)

POST: 50 R Oblique Crunches, 50 Crunches, 50 L Oblique Crunches

Donna RahnComment
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

PRE: Back Squat: 5-4-3-1-1-1 *Work up to a heavy single for the day.

WOD: For time: 5 Rounds:

-30 DU (x2 Singles)

-5 Power Cleans (155/105)

-7 Bar Facing Burpees

POST: 3 Sets: :20 Bottom of push-up hold, 20 Rower Seat Plank Pulses

Donna RahnComment
Monday, February 17, 2025

PRE: EMOTM x 12: Minute 1: 4 Ring Muscle-ups (Transitions/ 4 Ring Rows, 4 Ring Dips), Minute 2: 6 Deadlifts (255/175) Minute 3: 12 DB OHS (6/side)

WOD: "Cindy" AMRAP 20:

-5 Pull-ups

-10 Push-ups

-15 Air Squats

POST: 2 Sets: 300/250m Ski, 30 Sit-ups

Donna RahnComment