Friday, December 16, 2016
PRE: 4x5 Deadlifts (Athletes choose heavy weight to be completed UB)
WOD: Tabata - 8 rounds of (:20/:10):
- C2B Pull Ups (Banded)
- Box Jumps (30/24/20)
- Burpees
- Sandbag Lunges (80/40/20)
POST: 30 GHD Hip Extensions
PRE: 4x5 Deadlifts (Athletes choose heavy weight to be completed UB)
WOD: Tabata - 8 rounds of (:20/:10):
- C2B Pull Ups (Banded)
- Box Jumps (30/24/20)
- Burpees
- Sandbag Lunges (80/40/20)
POST: 30 GHD Hip Extensions