Saturday, May 21, 2016

PRE:  Mobility and Movement Standards

WOD:  Partner Day!

10min AMRAP:

- 12 SB Clean and Jerks (40/20)

- 10 Jumping Lunges

- 8 Ring Rows

1 min Rest, then:

10min AMRAP of:

- 12 Axle Bar Deadlifts (160/120/80)

- 10 Parallette Push Ups

- 8 Goblet Squats

1 min rest, then:

10 min AMRAP of:

- 12 Step Ups with SB

- 10 Situps

- 8 Burpees

*Alternate whole rounds and 200m Run/Row

POST:  15 Partner Tire Flips

Donna RahnComment