Saturday, January 21, 2017
PRE: Movement Standards
WOD: Partner Day! 22min AMRAP:
- 22 Cal Row
- 22 Back Squats (115/95/75)
- 22 C2B Pull Ups (Banded)
- 22 Wall Balls (20/14)
* alternate reps and holding a sandbag off the ground.
POST: 5 min Plank
PRE: Movement Standards
WOD: Partner Day! 22min AMRAP:
- 22 Cal Row
- 22 Back Squats (115/95/75)
- 22 C2B Pull Ups (Banded)
- 22 Wall Balls (20/14)
* alternate reps and holding a sandbag off the ground.
POST: 5 min Plank