Thursday, May 27, 2021
PRE: 3x5, 5x1 (Increase from 45% of 1 RM) Bench Press
WOD: For time: 3 Rounds:
-15 Thrusters
-15 Bar Facing Burpees
-Then 1 Round: 70/55 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
POST: 16 Rounds Tabata: Hollow Holds/Wall Sit *Alt. every 4 rounds
PRE: 3x5, 5x1 (Increase from 45% of 1 RM) Bench Press
WOD: For time: 3 Rounds:
-15 Thrusters
-15 Bar Facing Burpees
-Then 1 Round: 70/55 Cal Bike/Row/Ski
POST: 16 Rounds Tabata: Hollow Holds/Wall Sit *Alt. every 4 rounds