Friday, January 8, 2016
PRE: 5x4 Split Jerks (2 sec pause at bottom of dip and receive)
WOD: 14 min AMRAP of -
- 20 TTB (K2E/V-ups)
- 15 Burpees (Jump onto plate)
- 10 OHS (135/95/65)
POST: Handstand Push Up Work (Deficit/Full Range/Holding)
PRE: 5x4 Split Jerks (2 sec pause at bottom of dip and receive)
WOD: 14 min AMRAP of -
- 20 TTB (K2E/V-ups)
- 15 Burpees (Jump onto plate)
- 10 OHS (135/95/65)
POST: Handstand Push Up Work (Deficit/Full Range/Holding)