Wednesday, May 31, 2017
PRE: 4 min on the clock - :30 max reps 1 and quarter BB Back Squats, :30 Static Squat Hold. 4x5 HSPU
WOD: Buy In: 30 calorie row, then 4 Rounds of:
- 25 Air Squats
- 15 Hang Cleans (115/85/55)
- 5 HSPU
POST: 5x5 Ring Dips
PRE: 4 min on the clock - :30 max reps 1 and quarter BB Back Squats, :30 Static Squat Hold. 4x5 HSPU
WOD: Buy In: 30 calorie row, then 4 Rounds of:
- 25 Air Squats
- 15 Hang Cleans (115/85/55)
- 5 HSPU
POST: 5x5 Ring Dips