Saturday, September 11, 2021

PRE: Movement Standards

WOD: The 9-11 WOD – 1 Round:

-2001m row

-11 box jumps (30in/24in)

-11 thrusters (125/85) (125 pounds =125 deaths at The Pentagon)

-11 burpee to chest to bar pull ups

-11 power cleans (175/120) (175 pounds= AA Flight #175, south tower)

-11 hand stand push ups

-11 kb swings (70/53)

-11 toes to bars

-11 deadlifts (170/120) (77k = Flight77)

-11 push jerks (110/75) (110 pounds = number of floors in each tower)

-2001m row. Share row as needed. Each partner must do 11 of each movement.

POST: Mobility

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