Tuesday, July 25, 2023
PRE: NFT: 5 Sets: 1:00 Light Bike, 3 Hang Snatches + 6 OH Lunges (Work up to a heavy set)
WOD: For time:
-50 Power Cleans (155/105)
*On the minute; 7 DB V-ups (35/20), 9:00 time cap.
POST: 18-15-12: Cal Ski, GHD Sit-Ups
PRE: NFT: 5 Sets: 1:00 Light Bike, 3 Hang Snatches + 6 OH Lunges (Work up to a heavy set)
WOD: For time:
-50 Power Cleans (155/105)
*On the minute; 7 DB V-ups (35/20), 9:00 time cap.
POST: 18-15-12: Cal Ski, GHD Sit-Ups