Monday, August 21, 2023
PRE: 6 Sets: 1 Back Rack Jerk, 3 OHS *Build to a heavy set
WOD: On the 15:00 x 2:
-800m Run
-60/40 Cal Bike
-40/30 Cal Row
-200m SB Run
POST: 5 Sets: 5 Muscle-ups (Bar/Ring) or 5 Hips to Rings (Ring Rows)/5 Ring Dips
PRE: 6 Sets: 1 Back Rack Jerk, 3 OHS *Build to a heavy set
WOD: On the 15:00 x 2:
-800m Run
-60/40 Cal Bike
-40/30 Cal Row
-200m SB Run
POST: 5 Sets: 5 Muscle-ups (Bar/Ring) or 5 Hips to Rings (Ring Rows)/5 Ring Dips