Wednesday, September 11, 2024

PRE: Workout Set-up

WOD: "9-11" For time: 1 Round with a partner:

-2001m Row

-11 Box jumps (30/24)

-11 Thrusters (125/85) (125 pounds = 125 deaths at The Pentagon)

-11 Burpee C2B Pull-ups

-11 Power Cleans (175/120) (175 pounds= AA Flight #175, South tower)

-11 HSPU

-11 KB Swings (70/53)

-11 TTB

-11 Deadlifts (170/120) (77k = Flight77)

-11 Push Jerks (110/75) (110 pounds = number of floors in each tower)

-2001m Row.

Share row as needed. Each partner must do 11 of each movement.

POST: Mobility

Donna RahnComment
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

PRE: On the 2:00 x 3: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Push Jerks, Then: EMOTM x 5: 2 Power Cleans + 1 Push Jerk *Increase load each set.

WOD: For time: 5 Rounds:

-1/.8 mile Bike

-10 C2B Pull-ups

-10 Deadlifts (275/185)

POST: 1:30 Plank - Right, Center, Left

Donna RahnComment
Monday, September 9, 2024

PRE: Heavy Day

WOD: Bench Press: 10-5-3-1-3-5-10

4 Sets NFT:

-50m Right Arm Waiter Carry (50/35)

-10 Split Lunges/Leg (95/65)

-50m Left Arm Waiter Carry

-10 SB Front Squats

POST: 500m Row, 400m Run, 500m Row

Donna RahnComment