Friday, August 7, 2015
PRE: 4x5 Sumo Deadlift Building up to heavy 5
WOD: 3 min max of each station with 1 min Burpees in between of:
- Cal Row
- Russian KB Swings (70/62/44)
- Run
- Power Snatch (75/65/55)
- Double Unders
POST: 5 Tire Flips
PRE: 4x5 Sumo Deadlift Building up to heavy 5
WOD: 3 min max of each station with 1 min Burpees in between of:
- Cal Row
- Russian KB Swings (70/62/44)
- Run
- Power Snatch (75/65/55)
- Double Unders
POST: 5 Tire Flips