Tuesday, September 17, 2019
PRE: OHS 6x2 Building to heavy 2, 3x1 Suild to heavy single
WOD: Tabata 8 Rounds: (:20/:10):
Dual DB/KB Hang Squat Cleans (50/35/20)
Walking Lunges
Dual DB/KB Push Jerks
POST: Ski Erg Reverse Lunges to 400m/350m
PRE: OHS 6x2 Building to heavy 2, 3x1 Suild to heavy single
WOD: Tabata 8 Rounds: (:20/:10):
Dual DB/KB Hang Squat Cleans (50/35/20)
Walking Lunges
Dual DB/KB Push Jerks
POST: Ski Erg Reverse Lunges to 400m/350m