Wednesday, March 30, 2022

PRE: Movement Standards

WOD: Partner Day! ""Seedy"" For time:

-14 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT' (155/105)

-12 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

-10 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

-8 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

-6 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

-4 rounds of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

-2 round of 'Cindy', 2 rounds of 'DT'

*'Cindy' 1 Round: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats, 'DT' 1 Round: 12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 S2O *Time Cap: 40 minutes"

POST: Mobility

Donna RahnComment