Monday, May 9, 2022
PRE: 4 Sets: 8 UB Deadlifts (255/175), 1:30 Max Distance Row/Ski
WOD: For time: 5 Rounds:
-400m Run
-1 Round of "Mary”:
-5 HSPU (Box/Pike)
-10 Pistols
-15 Pull-Ups
POST: 3 Sets: 8 Reverse Burpees, 15 Weighted Glute Bridges
PRE: 4 Sets: 8 UB Deadlifts (255/175), 1:30 Max Distance Row/Ski
WOD: For time: 5 Rounds:
-400m Run
-1 Round of "Mary”:
-5 HSPU (Box/Pike)
-10 Pistols
-15 Pull-Ups
POST: 3 Sets: 8 Reverse Burpees, 15 Weighted Glute Bridges