Monday, July 25, 2022
PRE: 6 min E2MOTM: 6 Strict Pull-ups (2 Rope climbs), Max Effort Bike/Row/Ski
WOD: NFT: 21-18-15-12
-Back Squats (155/115)
-DB Dips (On top of Box)
POST: 4 Sets: 21 Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings, :30 HS Hold
PRE: 6 min E2MOTM: 6 Strict Pull-ups (2 Rope climbs), Max Effort Bike/Row/Ski
WOD: NFT: 21-18-15-12
-Back Squats (155/115)
-DB Dips (On top of Box)
POST: 4 Sets: 21 Banded Russian Kettlebell Swings, :30 HS Hold