Wednesday, January 11, 2023

PRE: 6 Sets, On the 1:30: 7-10 Ring Dips, 3 Deadlifts (Athlete chooses weight, should be able to touch and go)

WOD: 5 x AMRAP 3, rest 0:45 between rounds

R1 – 50 DU (X2 Singles), 21 Dual DB Box Overs (24/20, 50/35), Max Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead

R2 – 50 DU (X2 Singles), 18 Dual DB Box Overs, Max Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead

R3 – 50 DU (X2 Singles), 15 Dual DB Box Overs, Max Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead

R4 – 50 DU (X2 Singles), 12 Dual DB Box Overs, Max Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead

R5 – 50 DU (X2 Singles), 9 Dual DB Box Overs, Max Dual DB Shoulder to Overhead


POST: 50 GHD Sit-Ups, 50 Feet Elevated Sit-Ups, 50 V-Ups

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