Tuesday, May 16, 2023
PRE: 5 sets: 7 Bench Press (Work at heavy load UB), 10 Weighted Pistols (5 per leg)
WOD: For time: 21(7)-18(6)-15(5)-12(4)-9(3)-6(2)-3(1):
-TTB (K2E/KB V-ups)
-Power Cleans (205/135)
POST: 50 MB Sit-up Throws to Target
PRE: 5 sets: 7 Bench Press (Work at heavy load UB), 10 Weighted Pistols (5 per leg)
WOD: For time: 21(7)-18(6)-15(5)-12(4)-9(3)-6(2)-3(1):
-TTB (K2E/KB V-ups)
-Power Cleans (205/135)
POST: 50 MB Sit-up Throws to Target