Thursday, February 15, 2024
PRE: EMOTM x 10: Bench Press (Athletes choose a heavy load) On the 0: 3 Reps, On the 1: 2 Reps, On the 2: 1 Rep ,On the 3: Rest, On the 4: 3 Reps, On the 5: 2 Reps, On the 6: 1 Rep, On the 7: Rest, On the 8, 9 and 10: 1 Rep (Building in Weight)
WOD: Fight Gone Bad: 3 Rounds for total reps in 17 minutes:
-1 minute Wall Balls (20/14)
-1 minute Shuttle Sprints
-1 minute HS Hold
-1 minute Bike
-1 minute V-ups
-1 minute Rest
POST: 100 MB Sit-ups