PRE: Heavy Day
WOD: -Part 1: 15 Sets: 1 Snatch (Power or Hang) 1 Overhead Squat *Work to a heavy complex .
-Part 2: 800m SB & KB Carry (53/35)
POST: 3 Sets: 20 Bulgarian Split Squats or Pistols, 0:30 Rower Seat Plank Pulses
PRE: Heavy Day
WOD: -Part 1: 15 Sets: 1 Snatch (Power or Hang) 1 Overhead Squat *Work to a heavy complex .
-Part 2: 800m SB & KB Carry (53/35)
POST: 3 Sets: 20 Bulgarian Split Squats or Pistols, 0:30 Rower Seat Plank Pulses
PRE: Workout Set-up
WOD: "Cory Hunter" EMOTM x 32:
-10 Dual DB Incline Bench Press (50/35)
-12/8 Cal Bike
-10 Dual KB Push Press (50/35)
-6 Front Squats (135/95)
POST: 5 minute unbroken plank *athletes may rotate sides, if broken complete 5 burpee penalty.
PRE: 4 Sets: 12 Dual DB Snatches (Athletes choose a heavy load), 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (95/65)
-From 0:00-4:00, AMRAP:
-50m Sprint
-5 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
-From 4:01-8:00, Rest
-From 8:01-12:00, AMRAP:
-50m Sprint
-5 Thrusters
POST: 3 Sets: 15 Single Arm RB Lat Pull Downs/arm, 50 Flutter Kicks, 50 Scissor Kicks